Diploma in Pharmacy Course Details –
ফার্মেসি চিকিৎসা বিজ্ঞানের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ শাখা। ওষুধ বিক্রয়, বিপনণ ও বিতরণের বিভিন্ন দিক নিয়ে কাজ করে। শাখাটির প্রধান লক্ষ্য হল কোন পার্শ্বপ্রতিক্রিয়া ছাড়াই ওষুধের কার্যকর ব্যবহার নিশ্চিত করা। এই ক্ষেত্রে যারা কাজ করেন তাদের সাধারণত ফার্মাসিস্ট বলা হয়। যারা পেশাদার প্রত্যাশিত তারা ফার্মেসি কোর্সে পড়াশোনা করে। সুতরাং, একটি বিস্তৃত দিক থেকে, ফার্মাসিস্টরা ডাক্তারের মতো গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। ফার্মাসিস্টরা আজ বেশি পেশাদার তাদের সাহায্যের হাত দিয়ে কর্মশক্তির উন্নতি করছে।
কর্মজীবনের সুযোগ
কর্মজীবনে ফার্মেসি কোর্সের বিশাল সুযোগ রয়েছে। ফার্মাসিউটিক্যাল শিল্পের ভবিষ্যত প্রচুর সংখ্যক খোলার সাথে উজ্জ্বল। প্রার্থীরা বেসরকারী এবং সরকারী উভয় ক্ষেত্রেই কাজ করতে পারেন
Pharmacy is an important branch of medical science and deals with various aspects of the preparation and dispensation of medicines and drugs. The main aim of the branch is to ensure the effective use of drugs without any side effects. People who work in this field are usually called pharmacists. They are professional expects who undertake studies in pharmacy courses. Thus, in a broad aspect, pharmacists are as important as doctor. Pharmacists are a thriving workforce today with over 2.6 million professionals providing their helping hand.
Career Scope
Pharmacy Courses have a huge scope in their career. The future in the pharmaceutical industry is bright with a large number of openings. Aspirants can opt to work in both private and public sector
Course Fee and Schedules
Course Fee: | |
Special Offer: | |
Course Duration: | |
Total Class: |
Batch No-
Star Date: | 2022-04-10 |
Week Days: | Sun, Thu |
Class Time: | 4 Pm – 6 Pm |
Total Seat: | 05 |
Hotline: 01961 900 511
Course Outline of Diploma in Pharmacy
✓ Practical Anatomy ✓ Cell
✓ Upper Limb ✓ Tissue, Bones & Cartilage ✓ Lower Limb ✓ Joints
✓ Thorax ✓ Gland
✓ Abdomen
✓ Head Neck & Brain
✓ Blood or Circulatory System
✓ Cardo-Vascular System
✓ Respiratory System
✓ Digestive System
✓ Endocrine System
✓ Nervous System
✓ Excretory System
✓ Reproductive System
✓ Special Sense organs
✓ Vitamins & Minerals
✓ Diseases of Alimentary System
✓ Diseases of the lever & Gall bladder.
✓ Diseases of Respiratory System
✓ Diseases of Nervous System
✓ Diseases of Blood & Blood forming
✓ Female Reproductive Organs
✓ Process of reproduction
✓ Anatomical & Physiological Changes in Pregnancy,
✓ Diagnosis of Pregnancy
✓ Antenatal Care
✓ Antenatal Advice
✓Problems & Diseases of Pregnancy
✓ Bleeding per Vagina is First Six Months of Pregnancy
✓Per Vaginal Bleeding is the last three
Months Labour
✓ Some Problems during Labour
✓ Neonatal Care
✓ Post-Partum Hemorrhage
✓ Normal Pecerperium
✓ Harmful Medicine for Pregnant Mothers
✓ High-Risk Pregnancy
✓ Physical Growth and Development
✓ Dysmorphology and Genetics
✓ Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders
✓ Inborn Errors of Metabolism
✓ Feeding of infants and children
✓ Nutritional disorders, Neonatology
✓ Diseases of the Blood,
✓ Pediatric oncology
✓ Nephrology and Urologic disorders
✓ Endocrinology, Infectious diseases
✓ Dermatology, Psychiatric Disorders
✓ Poisoning and Accidents
✓ Community Pediatrics
Chemotherapeutic drugs
Principal of antimicrobial therapy
Cell wall synthesis inhibitors
Protein synthetic inhibitors
Nucleic acid synthetic inhibitors
Other antibiotics
Anti-viral drugs Anti-fungal drugs, Anti-protozoa drugs, Anti-hermitic drugs & Immunosuppressant
Ineffective dermatomes:
Pyoderma, tuberculosis, and leishmanisis
Infective dermatitis: viral & fungal infection Infestations: scabies and pediculosis
Post-mortem examination (autopsy) and exhumation
Examination of biological stains and hair
Death is its medico-legal aspects,
Sings of death and sudden death
Mode of death and asphyxia death
Death from starvation, cold, and heat
Introduction & classification of psychiatric Aetiology of PD Schizophrenia
Bipolar disorder & depression
Anxiety, neurosis, phobia, and OCD
Convulsion & dissociative disorder
Personality disorder
Drug & alcohol dependence
Psychiatric disorders of childhood & adolescence
Canceling and psychological therapy
A common problem affecting the eye: Conjunctivitis & chronic conjunctivitis Keratinize & conceal ulcer Sclerotic & episcleritis Refractive error & method of correction Congenital cataract Anterior & posterior uveitis
Nutritional disorder
Glaucoma, allergic conjunctive,
Iridocyditis Diabetic, hypertensive,
Anomic retinopathy
✓ Infection Diseases
✓ Common Poisoning in our locality.
✓ Emergency Medicine
✓ Sterilization
✓ Injection Pushing IV/IM/SC
✓ Dressing Stich (Catgut)
✓ Cut wound & Emergency Management (First aid Management)
✓ Multiple Pregnancy
✓ Menstrual Cycle
✓ Leucorrhoea
✓ Vaginal Infection
✓ Salpengitis & Ophortis
✓ Diseases of Uterus
✓ Tumors of Female Genitalia
✓ Diseases of Vulva
✓ Infertility, Problems of Adolescent girl
✓ Sexual Dysfunction
✓ Operation is Gynae & Obstetrics
✓ Therapeutics
✓ Anti T.B drugs, transonic acid
✓ Drugs used in Kidney diseases
✓ Drugs used in Heart diseases
✓ Drugs used in Germicides
✓ Drugs used in Obstetrics
✓ Drugs used in Hypertension diseases
✓ Drugs used in Kidney diseases
✓ Drugs used in Heart diseases
✓ Drugs used in Drugs diseases
✓ Anti-Asthma drugs
✓ Drugs used in digestive systems &Pain Killer drugs
Legal procedure in criminal courts of Bangladesh
Law is relation to medical men
Personal identification
✓ Principle of drug therapy
✓ Adverse drug reaction
✓ Drug interaction, Monitoring of drug therapy
✓ Writing of prescription
✓ Critical care medicine
a. Hypertensive emergency or circulatory failure
b. Respiratory failure
c. Renal failure
d. Coma
Pain management & palliative care
a. The general principle of pain
b. Treatment of pain
c. Palliative care
Specific injection prevention:
a. Protozoa infection : amobiasis, malaria,
lesishmaniasis , giardiasis . .
b. Bacterial infection:- streptococcal,
staphylococcal, pneumococcal,
meningococcal, gonococci infection, peruses and diphtheria, tetanus, botulism, clostridial injection, cholera, salmonella, infection due to pseudomonas & other aerobic, anaerobic, am positive, gm., Negative bacteria
c. Mycobacterium diseases: Tuberculosis, Leprosy
d. Viral infection: rubella, mumps, measles,
migratory diseases, HIV, dengue moon lama, etc.
e.. fungal infection: nematodes, cestodes
Specific environmental & Occupational hazards :
a. Heatstroke & hypothermia
b. Electrical injury
c. Radiation injury
d. Heavy metal poisoning
Define community medicine
Social medical science
Public health
The medical problem in Bangladesh
Health service, preventive medicine
Family planning EPI activity in Bangladesh Heath education
Bone fracture, classification Acute & chronic phylogenic osteomyelitis Septic arthritis Other arthritis Osteoarthritis tuberculosis Poliomyelitis Bunk tumors
Preoperative evolution & optimization Operating theater Anaestncrin drug
✓ Diseases of Cardio-Vascular system
✓ Endocrine & Metallic Diseases
✓ Common Diseases Renal system
✓ Skin Diseases
✓ Common venereal Diseases
✓ Common Problem of Gynae & Obstetrics
✓ Acute & Emergency Management (Brun, wound, Fracture etc.)
✓ Family Planning
✓ Vaccination (EPI Schedule) Psychiatric Disorder
✓ General & Systemic Pharmacology
✓ Gastro-Intestinal Drugs
✓ Analgesic Drugs Antibiotics Antifungal Gynecological Drugs
✓ Emergency Drugs
✓ Principles of Drugs Interaction Posology
General Pathology, Systemic Pathology
Hematology, Micro Biology, Virology
Biochemistry, Parasitology
Emergency Surgery Road Traffic Accident
Asphyxia, Sudden chest Pain
Hemorrhage of Bleeding
Shock, Syncope, and Epistaxis
Foreign Body in the Eye & Ear
Fracture, Dislocation & Sprain
Cut injury of Tendon, Burn,
Retention of urine, Wound
Head injury, Acute Abdomen
Paralytic Ileus, Strangulated Hemia
Bleeding Per Rectum Painless Bleeding
Scalds Lightings and Electricity.
Regional Injuries, Sexual offenses
Principles of Toxicology
Injuries caused by mechanical violence
Nature and medico-legal aspects of wounds Injuries from burns scalds lighting and electricity
Regional injuries, sexual of fences
Principles of toxicology
Nutritional disorders, Neonatology
Diseases of the Blood,
Pediatric oncology
Nephrology and Urologic disorders
Endocrinology, Infectious diseases
Dermatology, Psychiatric Disorders
Poisoning and Accidents
Community Pediatrics
✓ Cardiovascular system
✓ Respiratory system
✓ Kidney & genitorious system
✓ Diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and pancreases
✓ Endocrinology and metabolism
✓ The reproductive system
✓ Hematological disorder
✓ The immune system, connective tissue & joint
✓ Shin diseases
✓ Neurological diseases
General Pathology, Systemic Pathology, Hematology,
Micro Biology, Virology, Bio-Chemistry, Parasitology
Emergency Surgery Road Traffic Accident,
Asphyxia, sudden Chest Pain, Hemorrhage of Bleeding Shock, Syncope, and epistaxis, foreign Body in the Eye & Ear, Fracture, Dislocation & Sprain,
✓ Basic ideas of medical ethics
✓ Code of medical ethics
✓ Physician-patient relationship
✓ Different jargon in the fid of medical ethics
Sterilization Emergency surgery road traffic accident Asphyxia, sudden chat pain, hemorrhage of bleeding, shock, syncope, epitasis Cut injury to the tendon, burr, retention of ruin, wand Head injury, acute abdomen
A legal procedure in criminal courts of Bangladesh
Law is related to medical men
Personal identification
Post-mortem examination (autopsy) and exhumation
Examination of biological stains and hair
Death is its medico-legal aspects,
Sings of death and sudden death
Mode of death and asphyxia death
Death from starvation, cold, and heat
Injuries caused by mechanical violence
Nature and medi66cao-legal aspects of wounds
Injuries from burns scald lighting and electricity
Regional injuries, sexual of fences
Principles of toxicology
Basic ideas of medical ethics
Code of medical ethics
Physician-patient relationship
Different jargon in the fid at medical ethics